www.HockeyWorldCup.de 2006 © Deutscher Hockey-Bund e.V. | gamma software gmbh
Impressum 18.01.2025 |
Hockey WM 2006 |
hoc@key Club |
Japanese fans: Good vibrations, even their teams isn't very successful
Japanese fan with his drum
German Fans from Cologne: Rita and Klaus
Indera Ghanana (born in Sri Lanka) is an fan of the German team
Fans waiting for draws of the hockeystars
The German womens team supports the mens Team
Photographer from the whole world border of the pitch
Fans of South Korea
Fans of South Korea
Every day in a new outfit: German fan
Fans of South Korea
Fans for the team of South Korea
Fans of the day were shown on the videoboard
Young fans waiting for draws of famous players
Player from Pakistan gives a draw
Katja, little Tim and Michi Behrmann, nationalcoach of the youngsters
Ice cream and hockey
Fan of the 10th day
Young hockeyfans
Young hockeyfan, who wants, to be once a famous hockeystar...
Smile plaese
A turban made from the nationalflag
Nice outfit, isn't it?